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CBI Water News

New 2024 Water Rate:

Minimum base charge - $65.00 for the first 4,000 gallons in usage

Anything after the first 4,000 gallons is $9.60 per 1,000 gallons.

View our annual report tab for the newest water quality report from 2023. 

CBI Water Office hours have been updated to remit payments:

Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4 PM

We accept cash, check, or money order in the office. 

We do NOT accept any payment over the phone.

There is a drop box available at the office to leave water payments in.

Hydrant Flushing:
Start date April 15, 2024

CBI Water will be completing our yearly maintenance by flushing fire hydrants in your neighborhood soon! We will be completing this task beginning April 15  – weather permitting and will go for approximately 7 weeks to service all areas.


Revisit the website for further updates throughout the process!

As a result of the process, the water in your home may temporarily be discolored. We will be completing this process Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm. If you are attempting to use the water during the hydrant flushing it may cause a decrease in water pressure in the home. If the water has any discoloration, please allow the faucets to run cold water for approximately 5 minutes to flush the lines in your home. We caution you to check water clarity prior to doing laundry. The water will remain safe to drink.

We apologize for any inconvenience this brings our customers.



Seasonal Customers

All seasonal customers will still receive the minimum bill of $65.00 during the off season and the home is not occupied. 

Water shut off or turn on request

There is a $75.00 charge upon request of water turn on or off at the residence. 

If the water is being turned back on, the balance on the account must be paid in full plus the $75.00 turn on fee. 

Contact the office to request this service. 

Service Request

Please contact our office at 716-792-1900 or by email ( for any water service requests. 

Where is your water going?

#1 cause of water loss – stuck/open flapper – 200 gallons per hour

To test your toilet for loss, place 5-6 drops of food coloring in the tank and wait about 10 minutes without flushing, then check the toilet bowl. If dye shows in the bowl, you may have water loss.

Slow dripping faucets 5 to 10 gallons per day per faucet. A fast-dripping faucet 20 to 30 gallons per day. Slow stream can be up to 3,000 per month per faucet.

An unattended water hose for 1 night at a flow of 10 gallons per minute results in a loss of 5,400 gallons.

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